Here's a few commercial cleaning jokes from Uncle Sams contractors to you:
We all need to hear a joke from time to time. Even if it’s a terrible one’s…
Don’t say we didn’t warn you…
Second one:
Why did the janitor put a bell on his mop?
He wanted to make sure he cleaned up the floor.
Last one, we promise ..
What did the mop say to the bucket?
"You're the only one who understands me."
We hope you found the jokes amusing!
Stay safe everyone.
If you're interested in a free quote today.
call us for more details 1(833)487-2776
We are now servicing CT, MA, FL.
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#worcesterma #nantucket #plymouthma #cambridge #lowellma #brocktonma #QuincyMA #lynnma #salemma #fallriver #northamptoncounty #orlandoflorida #kissimmee #miami #TampaBay #jacksonvilleflorida #capecoralflorida